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Need help with Expressions

Hi ,

Following 3 expression result in report for 2013 , 2014 and 2015. How do I change them to get data for 2023 , 2022, 2021, and 2020?


a. Qty Sold 2013 YTD:
i. sum({<[Period ID]={"<=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-
24))>=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-29))"}, Year=, Quarter=,
[Transactions.Txn Date]=, Month=, Period=, Week=, Day=, [Quarter
ID]=, [Month Year]=, [Quarter Year]=, $(vExprSales)
>}[Transactions.Quantity With Sign])
b. Qty Sold 2014 YTD:
i. sum({<[Period ID]={"<=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-
12))>=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-17))"}, Year=, Quarter=,
[Transactions.Txn Date]=, Month=, Period=, Week=, Day=, [Quarter
ID]=, [Month Year]=, [Quarter Year]=, $(vExprSales)
>}[Transactions.Quantity With Sign])
c. Qty Sold 2015 YTD:
i. sum({<[Period ID]={"<=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-
0))>=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-5))"}, Year=, Quarter=,
[Transactions.Txn Date]=, Month=, Period=, Week=, Day=, [Quarter
ID]=, [Month Year]=, [Quarter Year]=, $(vExprSales)
>}[Transactions.Quantity With Sign])

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1 Reply

Hi, the key here is the "[Period ID]={"<=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-0))>=$(=(Max({1}[Period ID])-5))"}" part, but if 2015 starts with [Period ID]=0 probably means that the script is limited to 2015 data, so you'll need to check where is [Period ID] on script and follow it until you fin something limiting the data loaded.