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Qlick data extraction

Hello everyone, I need to extract the Qlick data, does anyone know if an Api can be obtained? Or any other method?

Thanks in advance

4 Replies
Creator III
Creator III


You can extract data from qlik by right clicking, the respective object/chart, and export to excel functionality. 


Thanks Arpitkharkia, but what I need would be an api or a linked reading system, and not have to export every time


Creator III
Creator III

May be you can look it into macros for creating a API.

Former Employee
Former Employee

There is no data driver to connect to a QlikView data model to extract data as this is not the purpose of the product, so the other poster's comment about exporting is really the only method as far as I am aware.  I just wanted to confirm there was no method to do this.  I do recall there being one many years ago for table objects, but that was deprecated long ago for the above reason, it is not really core functionality of our product...

The new Data Catalyst product might be something to look into in this case, as that might help fulfill your use case here, but you would probably want a lot more of these situations in order to make it worth the cost.  Hopefully this helps a bit more, and the one other would potentially be the Attunity product.  If you have further questions along either of those lines, please contact your account representative for further information on those.  


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.