Hi everyone:
I am trying to achieve something with a set analysis but I cant get the right result.
What i am trying to do, is count the max days (Fecha, fomat DD/MM/YYYY) in a row that a player (NomApellido) has played a Match of soccer.
We play every 7 days, so if Fecha - Previuos (Fecha) = 7, then is a consecutive match.
If Juega = 1, it means the player have played the match.
In the example attached, the correct result are in the chart named "Test" where I use a calculated dimmension.
In the chart named "Analysis" is the set analysis that i try to do but it isnt working.
Ej: Fernando Herrero played 12 matches in a row, not 10.
The end result must be like the one in the chart "Analysis".
I can solve this in the load script, but I want to do it with a set analysis
Thanks everyone
PD : the information is order by date (Fecha)