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I create file report outputs to network drive folders (Distinatoin Folder \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\drivename) by In the past it was normal can overwrite
But now it cannot overwrite and "Task executions" show message "WARN: Impossible to save report in folder "\\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\drivename\". ERROR: The request is not supported."
but astounding it can write new file if insert prefix/Suffix as yyyymmdd in file name or delete existing file
I sure that full autherize read/write for user run Qlik nPrinting scheduler Service
How to solved can overwrite existing file like before and what is the cause?
thank you
It is possible that file cannot be overwritten if it is opened by another user.
Thank you very much for your reply
I'm sure that not another user open file. Because output report time different with user use time
and before this there was never a problem. Just had a problem 2-3 days ago. 😥
So the question is:
There is nothing on NPrinting side other than ensuring full access for NPritning service account you can do. If you have done that and NPrinting was unable to store file in the past there must be other external reasons blocking it from storing it again and those are:
It happened occasionally in the past but now it every time every export file task
The service account is full permission for distination folder
because I test login Nprinting server by this account and can read/write/overwtire file in distination folder from File Explorer
Today I found some reports that created using "Enably Cycle" are part of the filename it can Overwrite existing file! but generate filename by Report Name/Custom Name it cannot
I am confused by this issue 😕
I would suggest to look at windows logs from the time when report was generated to see if there is anything there as well.
One more thing you may need to look at is if your custom file name meets all requirements for file names lenght and characters used within the file name. Often we forget that characters like below are not allowed in file names. Make sure you dont use those.
Given that you are trying to overwrite existing file I am assuming it may not be a case but I think it is also worth mentioning.
As mentioned before - there is no NPrinting setting you need to change apart from things mentioned.
Thank you very much for the advice.
I'll try looking for windows logs
and I'm wondering if it's related to antivirus or not.
I was wondering if you have any folder replication service on the target folder? Do you auto sync to OneDrive? S3? I agree a file lock would explain things.
i'm not syc one drive,
This problem has not yet been completely resolved.
But I solved the basic problem by deleting the file in destination folder before exporting
or put suffix _yyyymmdd in filename