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Dropdown in TAB


is there any way to get Dropdown in TAB??

i wanted to display 2 diffrent tabs in in main Tab


3 Replies

Assuming I read your question correctly - and I'm not sure I do, because you weren't very clear - there's no to have a single tab contain two different tabs - it wouldn't be a single tab if it did. You can work around this in several ways - for example, by adding a button with a Trigger hiding one sheet and making another display (if you named both tabs 'Main', it'd look like a single tab to users). Another alternative is to have two sets of objects - one visible by default, and another invisible by default. A button would toggle all the invisible objects to visible and vice versa (you can even design this button to look somewhat like a tab).

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yes have done the same thing.

created Buttons and hiding tabs .

but if is there any way to provide dropdown tabs please let me know..




I'm not sure what you're referring as "dropdown tabs". If you'd like to be able to select sheets from a dropdown list (which is something entirely different), that option is available as an additional toolbar in the QlikView client (it is hidden by default, right click on the toolbar and add the 'Sheets' toolbar. I'm not familiar with any way to add this as functionality inside the actual QV document directly, but you could work around it using a dropdown variable, perhaps.