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Generic Keys is a way to define keys between tables in a more general way so that their values can represent other things than individual key values; they can represent groups of key values or any key value. As an example, you can combine product IDs, product group IDs and a symbol for all products into one key field.
You can use generic keys to solve many data modeling problems:
See more in the attached files.
PS I have been asked to make an example on comparing budget and actual numbers, so here it comes as a second attachment. It is a zip file with a mock-up order database with a budget. Create a new empty qvw; expand the zipped files in the same folder as the qvw; insert one of the two included script files into the qvw and run the script.
These questions and others are answered in this Technical Brief.
Thank you Barry for good discussions.
See also the following blog posts
Creating a Date Interval from a Single Date
Creating Reference Dates for Intervals
QlikView has an intelligent algorithm to recognize dates independently of which region you are in. In most cases, you will have no problems loading them. It just works and you do not need to think about it. However, in some cases dates are not properly recognized and then you need to add some code in the script to make it work.
Searching in field values is a powerful feature in QlikView (all this should also work in QlikSense, but I haven't tested everything). You can use searches for example in set analysis field modifier, select in field actions and not to forget filtering e.g. list boxes in the frontend.
Hence knowing the power of searches is vital to developers as well as end users.
Unfortunately (in terms of 'getting started with search'), there are several possible search modes, have a look at The Search String to get an overview.
Text searches continues explaining. Some of the search modes are explained a bit more detailed: The Expression Search
And there are some things to consider we would hardly know without following Henric Cronström's ( hic ) great design blog: Search - But what shall you find?
Not to forget, there is a nice cheat sheet: Qlik Sense Search Cheat Sheet, covering some features, but not everything.
There is also of course some documentation in the HELP file as well as the reference manual, but not what I would call a comprehensive documentation of this essential product feature. Especially, there is few documentation about the so called 'compound search'.
So let us shed some light on
QlikView's Compound Search feature
First, let's create some sample data:
LOAD RecNo() as Number, Text
Harry & Sally
New Hampshire
New York
Something new
not upper
Al Bundy
Airport Newark
[Note: As Henric commented to one of his blog posts, there is no escape character to escape a wildcard, hence if you want to search for e.g. '?', you would need another search mode, e.g. advanced search using =index(FIELD,'?') ]
Another example for the XOR operator would be to find the complement of a search (for example search for *Sally*):
You could achieve this by selecting (Sally), then use the context menu to select excluded, but you can also use a single search: (* ^ *Sally*)
[Agreed, the syntax would be easier if there was an operator for NOT or complement, but I haven't found it so far. If you know it, please drop a comment below.]
All these operators can be used to not only combine two, but many searches: (me|Harry|Sally)
This would be a good point to end this document. But there is something more I haven't read about so far:
You can achieve similar without nesting, but take care of the order of your searches and operators:
Some (or all?) of these results can of course be achieved using other search modes, I just wanted to focus on the compound search mode in this blog post. I hope all mysteries of the compound search have been revealed.
If you have any comments or questions, drop a comment below.
Have fun!
2016-02-02: Complement can be created easier, just using (* ^ *Sally*), added some more examples, reorganized some parts
Hi Folks,
If any one interest to freeze all the data by month wise from sql and append it in the qvd to verify the changes per each month. It will help it.
Let vQVDPath = 'D:\';
Let vFreezeTableName = 'MONTH_FREEZE';
LET vNow = Now();
'$(vNow)' AS MonthFreezeTime,
Floor(Today()) AS MonthFreezeDate,
Floor(MonthEnd(Today(), -1)) AS MonthFreezeDataUptoDate;
SQL Select * from tablename;
//Check the qvd is exists or not
LET vListQVDExists = not isnull(QVDCreateTime('$(vQVDPath)\$(vFreezeTableName).qvd'));
//If exists , concatenate with existing qvds
If($(vListQVDExists)) then
//Find the maximum date
LOAD Max(MonthFreezeDate) AS MaxFreezeDateNum Resident $(vFreezeTableName);
//Get the maximum date_num
Let vMaxFreezeNum = Num(Peek('MaxFreezeDateNum',-1, 'MaxFreezeDate'));
//Drop the temporary table
DROP Table MaxFreezeDate;
LOAD * From
Where MonthFreezeDate < $(vMaxFreezeNum);
//Store freeze data into qvd
STORE $(vFreezeTableName) into $(vQVDPath)\$(vFreezeTableName).qvd(qvd);
//Drop the temporary table
DROP Table $(vFreezeTableName);
//Exit script
EXIT Script;
Hello team.
One of the user asked that newly added columns in source should automatically populate in Qlikview work book without any changes to the work book.
I tried one POC for this case and implemented the same. Please find it in below attachment.
Note: This will not be feasible if we have more columns/rows in the table.
The Most vital Set Analysis that we are using in creating our reports. Why we don't make it simple! This document will make it simple and straight forward to everyone. Good luck
Mapping Load is definitely one of those essential tools for your QlikView and Qlik Sense scripting. Similar to a left join, but different in distinct ways that allow you to do cool things in your QlikView scripts that would be difficult to do or would otherwise involve many steps.
Basically a mapping load allows you to “map in” a set of values to a recipient table based on a key field.
We will first look at the properties of these functions and examine the syntax. Then we will review 8 different applications of this to help you understand where these functions are a good fit.
The script below utilizes QlikView in this case, but we can apply these scripting techniques directly to Qlik Sense as well with the exception of the “from” statements which get changed to library connections.
We first must create the map. Simply use a load prefix of “Mapping” to indicate this is a mapped table
Then we can apply the map wherever needed. We will use the ApplyMap function where the first parameter is the map name (in single quotes), the second parameter is the key we use to translate the map from the current table and an optional third parameter will define a value when no match is found.
Our central table is sacred. If we need to sum up sales or count rows or calculate any sort of metric, this is likely your fact table. It is important that maintain the integrity of this table and do not inadvertently add rows to it since that would mess up your calculations.
But there are times when we need to join data to this table. You might think that a left join is the way to do this. But what if the fields we use to join this table to our fact table actually have repeats? Notice in the charts below, when we do a left join, it will actually add records to the fact table. Now our totals are exaggerated for that customer.
If instead we do a mapping load, we ensure that only one of the ID records actually maps into the receiving table. In fact, the first record “Walmart” is mapped in and the second value “Wal-Mart” is discarded only because the load will encounter the “Walmart” value first in the current ordering of the map table.
This trait of mapping loads is also handy when we only want one value from the map but we want a specific value. Similar to the scenario above, if Walmart had changed their name at some point, we might want only the latest name. If we sort the table by the “Date Modified” field in descending order, we will only get the latest value. This can be helpful for mapping in slowly changing dimensions where we only want one of the values.
Let’s consider a scenario where we have survey results on a numbered scale from 1-5. It might be handy to add the description for the numbers. We could create a “nested if” statement to handle this. This will work perfectly fine, but as this list gets larger, it might be difficult to maintain.
It might be better to map these values in, especially as the number of values in the list increases. Because the values can be provided in a table, this process becomes much easier to maintain as the number of distinct values grow.
Often times we must do a calculation within our script like “Quantity * Price as Extended_Amount”. But what about when the calculation we need must occur between fields that are not in the same table?
A mapping load can provide a quick answer here as well. The benefit here is that we can map the value in AND do the math in the same step. Without the mapping load function, we would be forced to join the second field to the first table and then reload the whole table using resident load.
In the example below, we need to come up with an extended cost of goods sold. But the standard cost of the item is retained in the item master, a separate table from our sales table. We will apply the cost to the sale record and do the calculation at the same time.
Often times, we will encounter an “attributes” table. This is a catch-all table that holds all textual descriptions for many ID fields. This single table might hold item descriptions, product families, reporting segments, etc. These tables have at least 3 columns: 1 for the value ID, 1 for the field ID and the text descriptor.
In this case, we can load this table as a map and then refer to it multiple times, wherever needed throughout our script, loading these text descriptions into appropriately named fields in our data model. Notice that we are concatenating the ValueID and the FieldID in the map and then using both fields in the map application as well. This ensures that if a ValueID has a repeat, we are not accidentally pulling text for a different field.
Below, we are applying the map once for our item description and then again for our category description.
Use Case 6 – Reference a Default Value When No Match Is Found
Often times, a business requirement will state that rather than a null value, we would like to see “No Description” for an item or “n/a” for example.
If you need to define a default value when there is no match, we can provide this value as a third parameter in the applymap function.
This example shows the simple use of a “no description” label when no match is found.
This is my favorite use-case for mapping loads. I have definitely had the situation where a client has said, “Well, first try find a match from this SQL table, but if there is no match, then try this spreadsheet, and if there is still no match, put n/a”.
Again, using the applymap third parameter, we can nest a backup applymap in the third parameter to meet this requirement. We could have an endless list of maps to satisfy the requirement, although I have never gone beyond three levels!
In this example, we will first go to the SQL table, then to a spreadsheet as a backup and then if there is still no match, we will add a manual description of “no description”.
There might be times when our key needs to be a little more complex. Sometimes two or three fields are needed to key the mapped values to your receiving table, but as you recall, the mapping table can only have two fields.
In these cases, you can create one field that combines the keys. Just remember that you will have to create the same key when you apply the map. Learn Qlikview.
Source: Living Qlikview
Hello Everyone,
I have attached the document for the important Qlikview functions used in script as well as in UI.
Please have a look and also feel free to update the document or comment in the session for the functions which is missed.
Hi Folks,
This document provide steps to fetch the google spreadsheet information and use in qlikview by using "Qlik Google drive & Spreadsheet connector".
Hope this will help the beginner to use it.
Greetings to all.
I love Qlik, but lately I do not have enough time to keep track of everything that happens.
I have to visit many resources for reading news, articles, tricks, videos.
I set myself the goal of being aware of everything, and spend no more than 5 minutes a day on it.
What can help us with this, of course RSS!
For a long time I tried to find a decent and at the same time a simple program for reading rss's ... and found - QuiteRSS (https://quiterss.org/).
Then I started to compile a list of interesting sites for me and add them to QuiteRSS.
At the moment, there is no particular hierarchy of feed, but I think that it will be needed.
Yes, I am sure that there are other sources of information, but I have not found them.
I propose to work on this issue together and lead an acute list.
Git Repo : https://gitlab.com/bintocher/QlikRSS
Can't attach new file, so link : https://gitlab.com/bintocher/QlikRSS/raw/master/qlik%20docs.opml
Updated 2019.01.22 - now total 53 rss feeds ; updated qlik community rss links
How to reload Qlikview application on every Monday?
///$tab Main
SET ThousandSep=',';
SET DecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyThousandSep=',';
SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)';
SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT';
SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY';
SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';
SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec';
SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun';
SET vMonthStartDay=WeekDay(Monthstart(today()));
SET vWeekStartDay=WeekDay(Weekstart(today()));
///$tab Tab1
If $(vMonthStartDay)='Mon' or $(vWeekStartDay)='Mon' THEN
Load * inline [
elseif ;
///$tab Tab2
If $(vMonthStartDay)='Mon' or $(vWeekStartDay)='Mon' THEN
Load * inline [
elseif ;
///$tab Tab3
If $(vMonthStartDay)='Mon' or $(vWeekStartDay)='Mon' THEN
Load * inline [
elseif ;
///$tab Tab4
If $(vMonthStartDay)='Mon' or $(vWeekStartDay)='Mon' THEN
Load * inline [
elseif ;
When I create a dashboard to mantain a good layout and to offer a good user experience always I need to set the same color for the same dimension value in each chart.
Unfortunally there isnt' a easy way to do this, and often a solution is to create some additional fields (R,G,B) for each dimension.
I don't like to have dozens of fields in my model with the problem to naming them.
To turn around this problem, I writed a single expression in a variable that doing all for me and now I use it always.
Let's see if you like this method too.
The idea is to use the functions Pick(Match(...)) to realize the magic.
I use QlikView Test Script and Qlikview Components library to realize an example. Test Script create the dimensions Dim1, Dim2, Dim3 and the expressions.
For Dim1 the values are A, B, C
For Dim2 the values are a, b, c, d, e, f
For Dim3 the values are X, Y, Z
For each values in dimensions need to set a variable with the associate color, to do easy this I use ColorTheme.xlsm file and use Qvc.ColorTheme to read it.
Now the best point... our function Pick(Match(...)), that I called App.Color.GetForField and set the value in Settings.xlsx.
Here the value:
=Pick(Match(Only($(=$1)), ' & Chr(39) & Concat({1} DISTINCT $(=$1), Chr(39) & Chr(44) & Chr(39)) & Chr(39) & '), ' & PurgeChar( Replace( 'App.Color.v.Dimension.$(=$1).' & Concat({1} DISTINCT $(=$1), chr(10) & ',App.Color.v.Dimension.$(=$1).') , ' ', '_'), '[]') & ')'
To use it in a chart write $(=$(App.Color.GetForField('[Dim1]'))) in the expression's backgroud property
The values in specificated dimension get automatically choosed color.
I hope you like this.
Luca Jonathan Panetta