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I am facing an unusual error when trying to distribute Qvws, through publisher, to the access point folder.
I face the following error :
Error The task "Reload and Distribute LM\Sharepoint\Application\Withholding Statement LPL UI.qvw " failed. Exception: || QDSMain.Exceptions.TaskFailedException: Task execution failed with errors to follow. ---> QDSMain.Exceptions.DscOffLineException: Directory Service Connector is offline. || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.DistributionExecution(String fileName, Document qvbDocument, DistributionRequest distributionRequest, TaskResult taskResult, String repeatVariableName, String currentRepeatVariableValue) || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Distribution(String fileName, DistributionRequest distributionRequest, TaskResult taskResult, String repeatVariableName, String currentRepeatVariableValue) || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) || --- End of inner exception stack trace --- || at QDSMain.DistributeTask.Execute(TaskResult currentTaskResult) || at QDSMain.Task.AbstractTask.TaskExecution(ILogBucket logBucket, TaskResult taskResult)
As seen in the above error, "Directory Service Connector is offline", I have checked the QDSC Service and it runs fine.
I have also increased the QDSC Cache Expiry from the default 60 to 1440 minutes but to no help.
Could you please help me in this.
Problem solved !
There was a proxy server setting configured on the publisher. Simply disabling it did the trick.
Is the QDS able to connect to the DSC? Do they run on the same machine using the same service account?
Is the QDS able to connect to the DSC? - How do I determine that ?
Do they run on the same machine - The QDS is on another machine, whereas the DSC is clustered on two nodes. So, QDS and DSC are not on the same machine.
using the same service account? - Yes, they use the same service account.
In QMC, go to System->Setup->Directory Service Connectors and click the DSC cluster entry. The Summary page should list two links to connect to the DSC instances. Write them down.
Now log in into the QDS machine using the QDS service account, start a browser and enter the DSC links in the address bar. Are you able to connect to each one, or do they return an error page?
When performing the steps as you have mentioned, I see a web page with HTML code in it. This is the case for both the DSC servers and there is no error information.
Also, I have not logged on to the Publisher with the QDS Service account as I do not have its credentials. Logged into the server with my credentials.
Hello Peter,
Any idea on this ? I have not received any error, the services seem to connect.
Adding to the above.
The service account of all services belongs to the AD domain. And when the DSC logs are checked, I see the below warning and error quite often.
Warning Search: no match for qualifier Country1 found among resources
Error Exception checking names in provider Country2(name: Configurable LDAP, type: LDAP): There is no such object on the server.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Problem solved !
There was a proxy server setting configured on the publisher. Simply disabling it did the trick.
how do i disable this? Can you please point me to this?