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Hi all,
When exporting a report, you get a zip file usually with a template file like a xlsx or pptx, and also a metadata.json file.
I can tell that when you are say replacing a report with an updated version from a lower environment, the template file goes into C:\ProgramData\NPrinting\apps\APP_ID.
So where does the metadata.json file go?
I do see under C:\ProgramData\NPrinting\apps\APP_ID\connections there is a .cache file but that looks significantly different than what is exported in the metadata.json file, although the contents look to be of a similar purpose.
This is asked because we would like to see if we can place the contents of the zip file on whatever nprinting environment when moving report updates, and not have to go through the console.
This type of customization that you are potentially proposing may have adverse and unpredictable consequences on your report execution once implemented.
I would strongly urge to use the in place tools for exporting and importing your reports.
(Please also remember as an aside that when exporting importing reports, they must be within the same version of NPrinting)
If you are looking for a different way to manage report migration between environments, I suggest to write an idea here:
Kind regards...
Hi @Frank_S ,
I have one question about the import report in NPrinting.
My project will reuse the same template for all the reports, and also the same template of Sense app. What I am doing is, duplicating the app in Sense, load the new data from another data connection and use the same objects.
I export the report in NPrinting, and want import this zip file to use for a new report. As this process only give to me the possibility to use the old connection in NPrinting, the idea is somehow change the connection before import to NPrinting. I tried to change the connection ID and Name in metadata.json file, but when import the only connection that appear to be used in this process is the old one.
Is it possible to change the reference of connection in a template of NPrinting report?
Best regards
@paulodantas this is a really old thread, please start a new one thanks!